4 Steps to Holiday Décor Storage Clean Up
4 Steps to Holiday Décor Storage Clean Up
Seasons Cleaning!
Now that the halls have been decked and the lights and ornaments have decorated your tree, at some point it’s going to be time for holiday clean up. You’ll need to get your home back to the way it was before the holiday. Here are 4 simple steps to help to get everything in order and store for next year.
Sometimes, at the bottom of the box or as you unravel packing paper, you discover broken ornaments and décor. Rules of thumb: If it’s beyond repair, it should be thrown out. If it has value and meaning, decide if it can be fixed. Give yourself a fix-it time frame. Keep heirlooms and sentimental items. Keep your favorites, and anything that is in good condition and you plan to use next year.
We love our decorations but sometimes we have more than what we need or could possibly use during any given holiday. Sometimes we hold onto things because they were “gifted” to us by a loved one, or perhaps your children gave them to you. If anything is out of style and you haven’t used it in the past couple of holidays, it’s probably time to give it up. If you are keeping anything out of guilt because it was a gift, you shouldn’t feel the need to hold onto it forever. If it holds special memories or it’s an heirloom, perhaps it’s time to move it into another category and store it in another box.
If it’s in good working order, by all means donate it. For items that hold more value, consider selling if it’s worth the time and effort. This is a great way to create a holiday decor fund for the next season.
This is a hard one. If you’re crafty or good at fixing things, take the time to do easy repairs. For anything more extensive find a family member or close friend to enlist their help. Give yourself a time frame for making repairs. Once the time frame is past, it may be time to say “good-bye.”
Once it’s time to store your décor again, review what current storage options you have. Ask yourself: Do I have enough storage containers? Is it sufficient to keep things looking new or preserved? If you’re stuffing boxes, it might be time to pick up new storage bins and containers. You don’t want to damage anything by overfilling a box. Trust me - I’ve done it thousands of times and kicked myself the following year for not being careful.
Before you buy, set your budget. Review where they will be stored. If you need to store them in the garage or attic, consider plastic to keep away critters and other pests.
There are some great storage products out there. Don’t be afraid to pick them up now, because chances are, there will be less to choose from during the after-Christmas sales.
Seasons Cleaning!